Brian Thurber | January 4, 2019This is an important announcement about The Tribal Issues Advisory Group and a couple of charges that go along with it. Learn how this group can help you in your federal sentencing issues.
This is an important announcement about The Tribal Issues Advisory Group and a couple of charges that go along with it. Learn how this group can help you in your federal sentencing issues.
This booklet is designed to help tribal communities determine when a child is at risk for developing problem behaviors or being victimized. Inside, you will find descriptions and ways to identify six key issues that pose the biggest threat to tribal youth today.
The resource, developed by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC), provides a detailed checklist for first responders, supervisory officers, and investigative officers after a child goes missing or is abducted. It details each step that must be taken when launching a recovery effort, and can lead to a successful recovery when utilized […]
In many communities, law enforcement officials have a hard time connecting with the local youth. This resource provides proven ideas that law enforcement members can use to become more visible in their community, especially with youth development programs.
In this resource, you will learn everything you need to know about starting your very own Tribal Police Athletic/Activities League in your community. It includes information about what National PAL does, activities you can run, the steps necessary to get started, as well as a set of sample by-laws that you can use to form […]
Often times, it is difficult for members of law enforcement to form a positive, meaningful relationship with youth in the community. This resource provides tips and takes the focus off of changing youth attitudes, and focuses more on what law enforcement officials can do to bridge the gap.
This resource analyzes the issue of criminal jurisdiction in Indian Country. It includes roadblocks that occur during cross deputization, disputes over crossing legal borders, and the urgency of having a strong law enforcement presence in Indian Country. Using jurisdictional complexities in Michigan as the example, this can be a good resource for law enforcement workers […]
This resource provides information on gang problems in the community as well as gang prevention methods and models that can be used to implement gang prevention initiatives. All of the information and advice provided in the resource is backed by research on juvenile delinquency and gang activity. While this is a complicated topic, this resource […]
A brief from the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, written by Jonathan Litt, Policy & Field Relations Associate at the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, and Heather Valdez Singleton, Program Director at the Tribal Law and Policy Institute: American Indian/Alaska Native Youth & Status Offense Disparities: A Call for Tribal Initiatives, Coordination & Federal Funding
A Roadmap for Making Native America Safer, Report to the President & Congress of the United States, Indian Law and Order Commission, November 2013 (Full Report): A Roadmap for Making Native America Safer (Full Report)