Walking in Remembrance of Ashlynne Mike

Image of Ashlynne Mike

In Our Hearts

We thought of you today.
But that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday.
And days before that too.
We think of you in silence.
We often speak your name.
Now all we have memories.
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake.
With which we’ll never part.
God has you in his keeping.
We have you in our hearts.

Author – Unknown

Walking in Remembrance of Our Angel Ashlynne

“May 2, 2021, will mark five years since the abduction of my children Ashlynne and Ian Mike. Ian was at a tender age of 9 and still very young and spent a majority of his time cementing his relationship with his sister. Ashlynne was 11 and she was in the “in between” years of 9 and 12 and was flourishing as she moved through her childhood. I was blessed with two amazing children and life was just about as perfect as it could be. I’m not sure how to begin the story of the abduction of my children, but I can say we were “not ready” for the shock that occurred that day. Image of Ashlynne Mike

On the morning of May 2, 2016, Ian and Ashlynne woke up like any other morning, they got dressed for school, gave a round of morning hugs and off they went to school not knowing the terror that awaited them. My children were abducted after school from their school bus stop and my sweet angel never made it home.

Since that horrific day, I became my children’s advocate, fought for Justice, and raised awareness about the lack of AMBER Alert across Indian Country. With hard work from so many dedicated leaders who saw the loop hole in the system, we were able to pass the Ashlynne Mike AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act of 2018 on April 13, 2018.

I am elated we now have the Ashlynne Mike AMBER Alert in Indian Country program, a life-saving system for our indigenous children and their families. Tears flow down my cheeks because I am so passionate about making a change, and the very source of my movement started from the grassroots. Not sure if I’d get this far, I put all my faith in Ashlynne and the universe. My angel was with me in spirit every step of the way.

Since the tragedy, we remember Ashlynne with an Annual walk. Unfortunately, like last year, we won’t be able to gather with each other. Because the spirit of the walk is important to us, we will have to meet virtually.

On May 2, 2021, we will honor Ashlynne and our thoughts will be with our beautiful angel. A time to commemorate her life, a day in which we give so much respect to her. Although she is no longer with us, she is still moving mountains and her spirit still lives on. There’s always a special feel in the air when I’m working and doing things for her and I know she is with me/us.  We love her dearly; she has touched the lives of so many people during her short time on earth. Eleven beautiful years filled with cherished memories, and they are kept safe in our hearts.

By commemorating this day to Ashlynne, we will remember the times we shared together, celebrations from her birth to her death, and all the milestones in between.  We will never forget those precious moments, the twinkly in her eyes, the sound of her laughter.”

— Pamela Foster

To learn more about this year’s Ashlynne Mike Memorial Walk, please visit
